
The Minor in Architecture provides the flexibility of complementing a student’s major with an area of specialization. Taking a minor in the School of Architecture is a unique opportunity for a student to stimulate his or her imagination and learn creative approaches to problem solving.


Following is the program curriculum for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. For the full course catalog, please consult the online USC Catalogue archive.

The USC Catalogue is the document of authority for all students. The program requirements listed in the USC Catalogue supersede any information which may be contained in any bulletin of any school or department. The university reserves the right to change its policies, rules, regulations, requirements for graduation, course offerings and any other contents of this catalogue at any time.


    Students in good academic standing who have completed their freshman year are eligible. Non-architecture students must obtain written approval from their academic unit in order to take a 500-level course. For more information, please contact an Architecture Academic Advisor, archadvs@usc.edu.


    The requirements for the Minor in Architecture include three required courses (8 units) and a minimum of 12 units of upper division courses.


    Students may elect to take the upper division courses in an area of specialization, such as architectural history and theory, historic preservation, computers and design, visual communication, landscape architecture, public places — urban spaces, housing or practice management. This minor is not available to architecture majors.