
Andrew & Yasmin Watts

10/03/18, 6:00PM

  • Thursday, October 03, 2018
    Gin D. Wong, FAIA Conference Center, Harris Hall

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Andrew Watts is a building engineer and architect who specializes in the engineering design of facades and their interface with structural and environmental design. He is a fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and holds charterships in the UK for engineering and architecture from the Institution of Engineering Designers and the Royal Institute of British Architects. Yasmin Watts is a chartered architect with over 30 years’ experience of managing high-profile building projects. In addition to financial leadership at Newtecnic, she leads the management of detailed design and construction phases of projects. She is also responsible for quality control systems for both design methodologies and their implementation within Newtecnic’s ISO9001 certification. Yasmin holds a chartership from the Institute of Directors.